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All Access H2O
741 East Main St. - Owatonna - MN 55060
(507) 317-9004
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The Problem

Nothing is more important to physical well-being than clean, safe water... nothing.

Safe water is a fundamental human right. Yet around the planet, people of all ages fall ill and die because of contaminated water. The World Health Organization attributes two million deaths annually to unsafe water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Two million people. That's roughly the population of Houston, Texas. Think about that for a moment: every year, we lose the equivalent of the city of Houston to something as simple as dirty water.

Too often, we assume the answer to this murky problem is the drinking water market – tap water, bottled water.  Just buy safe water.

Let's be clear: water is available, at a price. But this price is beyond the scope of most of who need it. Too often, families must choose: food or water? Medicine or water? Transportation or water? School supplies or water?

The better question is: Why should they have to choose? Tap water is a luxury many do not have, and bottled drinking water is not a long-term solution. Not to mention, bottled drinking water has a negative environmental impact that is beyond belief.

But we found a solution that empowers families who need safe drinking water. Instead of being dependent on outside sources, like the government, or bottled water manufacturers, we put pure water in the hands of those who need it the most.

Dirty water undermines all efforts.  Children with scholarships are distracted from their studies by chronic parasites and other water-borne illness.  Individuals treated for parasites are re-infected within months, if not weeks.  Nutrition is compromised by illness and parasites....  

Access to clean water yields overnight improvements in health outcomes in a community.  The challenge?  Finding the technology and program model that yields the greatest impact for investment Interested in learning more? Read about our simple solutions to the water crisis.



The Solution

Our mission is simple: get clean water to every person who needs it.

Access to clean water improves personal and civic well-being, increases overall health, reduces poverty and increases opportunities for education and employment, contributing to the overall advancement of individuals and their communities.

We work on the front lines to provide sustainable access to clean water through the the digging and renovating of wells, and the construction of rainwater harvesting and storing systems in places where groundwater is not accessible.

In areas with contaminated water sources, we install filtration systems that are portable, easy to use, easy to pack, and effective. One filter can provide 100 people with clean water for up to 5 years.